Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Classiness that is Rascal Flatts

So, I was walking to a friend's house today to get ready to partake in some free beer (yes, always a great life decision) when I ran right smack into a big old mess of trashy folks.  That's right! The Rascal Flatts concert is tonight, and all those interesting people from the burbs invade our classy Wrigleyville area.  I have never seen so many plaid shirts, short jean skirts, cowboy hats, and boots (just think Jessica Simpson's flirtation with country music).  Needless to say I was terrified. I quickly ran to my friend's house and prayed for her to save me. There were people walking down the street who actually looked pregnant smoking!! Maybe she wasn't pregnant, maybe she was and smoked anyway, with these people who could tell.  Please, go back to Aurora and have a nice night. I like my neighborhood the way it is.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hotness Thursday

I'm watching "Spiderman 2" and was reminded that I missed Hotness Thursday this week. Why was I reminded? Because of James Franco.

James Franco is absolutley hot in basically every role he plays, including "Milk" and "Pineapple Express." He's also an incredibly talented actor.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Things that I Love Right Now

The Boston Celtics:
I don't really do basketball until playoff time, but when it happens I break out my Boston allegiance.  Love the defending champs, even without KG.

Spring and Summertime Clothing:
One of my favorite designers is Alice and Olivia and they make the cutest dresses.  If you buy me this then you'll be my friend forever.

Retro Songs:
I have been seriously rocking out to the vocal stylings of Mandy Moore's "Candy" and Willa Ford's "I Wanna Be Bad."  

You're Not Fancy!

The effing swine flu may ruin my trip to Mexico at the beginning of June.  Really, what is so scary about the swine flu?  You have to take meds?  It really sounds like the regular flu to me, but we shall see.

Mexican pigs....You're Not Fancy!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is Unacceptable!

Why have I not seen 17 Again yet? This is total crap! I was waiting so long for it to come out, and now I haven't even seen it. I even had a ZEFRON party the night he hosted SNL! I need to see this movie sometime this weekend. Bet on it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

What a Weekend

As the dumbasses in this picture show, it's Cubs/Cards weekend here in Chicago.  So far, the series is tied 1-1.  The ladies and I will be in attendance tomorrow, and I'm sure shenanigans will ensue!

Belated Hotness Thursday!!

Zac Efron. No words necessary.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bitches, Man.

Apparently, Leann Rimes is staging some kind of career comback. She starred in a Lifetime movie, had a fake affair for publicity, is having trouble with her gay husband, and is releasing a new album. She was on the Today show today (and we know I watch religiously) where she was asked about that "affair." Direct quote from Leann:

"I think people are fascinated with my personal life."

You wish, bitch.

Bitches, man.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I just saw that I'm the only one to post in the last 2 weeks. This rogue robot misses her struggling friends.

Hotness Thursday!!

There are no words for my Felicity obsession. One of the main reasons for said obsession: Ben Covington, aka Scott Speedman.

Scott is amazing as the completely adorable Ben Covington as he wins Felicity's heart. The first season finale is by far my absolute favorite. Not to mention the second half of season 2.

And he was still hot while Ashley was screaming her lungs out during "The Strangers." Swoon.

Just Friends?

Can men and women just be friends? It's the age old question that I find myself struggling with these days.  Even Rabbis are getting in on the debate on Oprah and friends.

There's the obvious answer: men and women cannot just be friends if there is underlying sexual tension.  This worries me.  I have one male friend where there may or may not be underlying sexual tension (usually on nights when my memory tends to get hazy, if you know what I mean).  Is there always sexual tension?

My answer is that yes, it is possible to be "just friends."  I have several male friends who are only friends, and will only be friends.  Women and men should be friends.  There's so much to learn about one another.  In fact, I tend to like hanging with the guys more so than the girls.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


April is among us, so let's get to it. Especially if that pesky half-marathon is looming.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Let's Get Naked and Talk Creepily About Kids That Technically Don't Belong to Us

Gisele Bundchen has decided to get naked for Vanity Fair and talk about her relationship with the man who was supposed to marry me and his kid.  

Gisele discusses the rough patch she and Tom went through when his ex, Bridget Moynahan,publicly announced that she was with child.  She also discusses how she feels that John Edward Thomas Moynahan is her son.  I'm sure Bridget is all too thrilled with his news, considering how she dated Tom for several years only to be left pregnant and alone, while Tom fancied around with Gisele and married her in half the time.  Amazing!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hotness Thursday!

For your viewing pleasure: Paul Rudd

I watched "Role Models" this past weekend and fell in love! Hilarious movie.  Charming and cute man.
Paul has come a long way from his Clueless days, where he is still adorable.  And dude grew up in Overland Park, KS, although I have to look past the fact that he went to KU.  Hey, everyone makes mistakes!  Love ya.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sweet Sixteen!!!!

Tomorrow, bitches!!

Mean Girl?

So, on Sunday, I'm at the Spread, minding my own, when I saw something funny on T.V. One of my guy friends then said something along the lines of "Oh, who are you talking about now?" I was shocked. Am I always talking about someone. Am I a "mean girl"?

Immediately I decided not to say anything bad about another person. I probably didn't last an hour. If I didn't "talk" about someone, I definitely laughed at something stupid someone did during the game.

What does it mean when girls talk about people behind their backs, mainly each other. Should we be concerned? What does talking about someone have to do with us?

Let's be honest, I'm really not going to stop (otherwise, what would be the point of this blog?) I'm not a mean "mean girl". I'm no Regina George. Maybe a little Cady Heron, though.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hotness Thursday!!

Since I missed last weeks Hotness Thursday, you get a double dose of hotness this week. First up is Hines Ward of the Pittsburgh Steelers.  He's always so happy when his team does well, and he cried when they won the Super Bowl.  And how cute is Baby Hines above??? Adorable.  We will be set up at Roxanne and Ben's wedding.
Next up is the hotness that is Dave Annable from Brothers and Sisters.
There really are no words to describe him.  He's all cute and crooked smile.  And does an amazing job playing at addict-war vet who fell in love with his once supposed half-sister.

WAG Wednesday: Melanie Slade

Today's WAG is Melanie Slade, girlfriend of Arsenal's Theo Walcott.
They are really lamby and cute together. Melanie is very down to earth and seems like a really nice girl in interviews. She called Colleen Rooney stuck up or stand-offish (I can't remember, and it's late) because of the way Mel was treated during the English WAG Baden-Baden antics of World Cup 2006. Melanie is also apparently going to play one of Hermione's friends at a Quidditch match in the seventh Harry Potter movie, which is random, but she is somehow related to a producer. All in all, they are a very classy and low-key couple. Melanie and Theo stay out of the tabloids for the most part, and some WAGs/footballers could take a lesson from that, COLLEEN AND WAYNE.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You're Not Fancy!

Velour Track Suits. I blame J.Lo.
You're Not Fancy!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Paddy's!

Be safe and don't act like a rogue robot!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Footballer Friday: Nemanja Vidic

Today's Footballer Friday is Nemanja Vidic.

Nemanja is a defender for Manchester United. I don't like United, but I love his hot ass. I know many people won't agree with me on this one, but he just does it for me. Plus, he's basically the best defender in the world.

How can you not love a goofball like this?:

Also, did I mention that he is Serbian? And loves peace? I love peace, too! And Serbian athletes! (How you doin' Novak?) Funnily enough, Nemanja's wife is named Ana Ivanovic, like the tennis player.
I know it probably makes me a bad Arsenal fan to find a United player hot, but I JUST CAN'T HELP IT.

Dating Dos and Don'ts by Mia

I subscribe to all kinds of magazines, and the ones I don't have I read at work (including Parents and Family Circle!)  Cosmo is probably the biggest waste of my money.  The bullshit this magazine spews is ridiculous.  Case in point, their article "The 50 Best Relationship Tops Ever."  I don't have a problem with all of them, just a select few:

#9: "Keep your options open for at least three months before deciding to be exclusive.  You need a minimum of 90 days to even begin to know what someone is really like."
--Cosmo, what is this?  Keep your options open for 90 days?  You find me someone who completely agrees with this and we'll chat.

#12: "Let him be the first to say the L word.  Men generally need more time to process emotions and voice them.  Hearing it can make him feel cornered."
--What decade to we live in?  As long as you don't say it on the first date, I believe women can say it first.  Don't be lame.

#14:  "Hang out with happy couples he knows and thinks are cool.  When he sees a commitment as a fun thing, he'll become more comfortable with it."
--He'll become more comfortable with it?  Yeah, let's trick the guy!!

#30: "Don't let him see you peeing, plucking your eyebrows, or doing an at-home bikini wax.  You can be real in ways that don't chip away at the romance."
--Maybe in the first few months, but if he never sees the real you then that's a problem.

Also, in their "Ask Him Anything" Advice Column, a reader wrote in asking about her boyfriend who spends major quality time with a female friend.  The boyfriend hangs out with her alone, and doesn't want the girlfriend to come along.  Cosmo's advice guru states that the boyfriend is probably just discussing some problems with her that he can't talk about with is girlfriend, and not to worry about it.  Hold up!!  If I'm in a relationship with someone, and we and/or just him are having problems, WE need to discuss it.  Not my boyfriend and his friends, male or female.  That's just common courtesy, and it makes the relationship stronger.  Running to someone else is a major red flag in my book.

I hate Cosmo.  They basically assume that all men are stupid, macho children.  Or basically from Long Island.  Please, DO NOT READ COSMO!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A final farewell?

Tomorrow marks my last academic class at DePaul (maybe not forever, hey special ed teacher!).  It also marks my final showdown with Jake Ryan.  What to do?  Do guys really like it when girls ask them out?  Should it be face to face or via email (to lower the humiliation factor)?  Or should I bat my eyes and smile all class long in order to force him to make a move?  These are the questions of my life.  Oh, Jake.

Who's Hiring?

As graduation approaches in June, and my current employers want to know if I'm sticking with the nanny business in a few weeks, I'm starting to feel the heat.  Should I start applying to jobs now?  The answer is yes, I have.  But is it too early? Who knows.  What I do know is that the job market is harsh!  I'm terrified to give up my pointless, but well paying nanny job for the unknown.  What if I don't find another job for months?  How will I make rent?  Oh, the stress is killing me!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hotness Thursday!

Curtis Stone from Take Home Chef.  He cooks AND he's from Australia!! Bonus.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

WAG Wednesday: Alex (Curran) Gerrard

Today's WAG is Alex (Curran) Gerrard, the Queen of Tacky. She is married to Steven Gerrard, captain of Liverpool.

That's right, she has her own perfume, appropriately called "Alex." (Sidenote: The next time I go to England I will probably buy it.) Alex is a former nail tech, and currently has such business pursuits as writing a weekly column for the Daily Express. This column is genius, as Alex imparts her fashion tips on the world. Everyone should also find her article from Tatler in September 2008, as it made me want to have her life. She has a whole room in her house for oxygen treatments! Amazing. It is safe to say that Alex is probably my third favorite WAG, due to her tacky and loving it ways. I mean, she was my inspiration for my Halloween costume!

Sometimes Alex looks like a prettier version of Paris Hilton:
Here is Alex with her footballer, Mr. Stevie G:
(Also: Steven Gerrard: Yes/No? I vote yes, most of the time, despite not being a Liverpool fan.)

This outfit is sort of cute? (The hair is not):
This outfit, however, is not:
Random, but: I just found out the Inter/Man Utd game next Wednesday isn't going to be on ESPN2 until the middle of the night. HAAAAAAATE.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Who Wants to Marry a Douche?

There are no words for what happened last night on the season finale of "The Bachelor" and then again on "After the Final Rose."  Jason Mesnick dumped Melissa, the girl he proposed to on the finale, on television for Molly, the girl he sent packing.  I was truly upset by this.  I watched the entire season of "The Bachelor" and Jason was the best pick by far.  He was kind, sweet, loved his son Ty, and of course HOT!  He made such a big deal about how he had been hurt in the past and never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings.  Guess he changed his mind.
Melissa is such a wonderful person.  How can this guy go on national television and dump someone.  How embarrassing!!! Ashley and I were texting throughout both shows, and were completely disgusted by his actions.  Ashley called him a douche, I called him a dick.  Melissa cried, and believed something is wrong with her because she keeps getting dumped.  How heartbreaking!  Ashley wants to write this girl a letter.

All in all, what a douchey move on his part.  Be a man and do that shit at home, not on national television.  Have fun with Molly, Jason.  She's a dud who's all too willing to make out on television with a man who just dumped another girl on TV.  Congratulations geniuses.