Thursday, February 19, 2009

The End of the Love Affair?

My grad school program is full of girls. Girls everywhere! Now, I love my ladies, but would it kill a man to enter a counseling program? And when one does, be attractive? In walks Jake Ryan.  I was just sitting in my Multicultural Counseling class one day (about 5 weeks in) when I realize the guy in front of me is extremely attractive (it helped he had recently got a haircut.  Believe me, it does wonders).  And so started the crush.  He was not only extremely good looking, but smart, funny, successful, and much much more.  I was in love.  He was my ideal man.  All of my friends knew about him, and loved him as well (creepy? maybe.)  We started conversing while waiting for the train, and I soon learned we were neighbors.  Those train rides home were magical.  Then class ended, and our love soon was put on simmer.

This quarter Jake Ryan was once again in my class.  It had been a year since we had class together, and several months since our last train ride.  I had high expectations for this class and our future relationship.  However, 7 weeks of class have passed and we haven't spoken, nor have I had an overwhelming desire to talk to him.  There have been a few stolen glances, lingering looks, but no conversation.  Sometimes when he speaks in class I have the smallest desire to hit him.  But then he redeems himself with his bubbling personality and take on the world.  Which brings me to yesterday.  There were four of us in a room talking and laughing.  Jake Ryan kept walking back and forth in front of me, staring, shoveling pizza in his mouth.  I was going to make some smart ass comment on Mizzou kicking KU's ass in the basketball game a few weeks ago (We went to rival schools), but then decided not to.  He could also talk to me.  Stop staring and say hello.  Are you nervous?  Shy? Sickened by the sight of me? Say so.  Stop it, Jake Ryan.  You're becoming a little less fancy in my mind.

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