Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Smoker's Delight

Roxanne and I traveled to Saint Louis this past weekend for a little Mardi Gras fun.  We had high hopes, but a supreme lack of motivation kicked in.  "Live Free or Die Hard" was on all day, and of course we had to watch it every single time it was on.  Of course we had to sit around the kitchen and chat for an hour about school and "One Tree Hill".  That's just the way we roll.  Anyway, we finally made it down to Soulard for some French shenanigans.  We drank beer in a tent full of people that smelled like the zoo.  We watched grown men fall on each other because they couldn't stand straight.  Really drunk and unattractive men tried hitting on us.  Then we made it to the bar.  This is where we discovered that people can actually smoke INSIDE in STL.

We were shocked beyond belief.  We forgot that was a thing in STL.  It's so easy to forget how nice clean air smells.  This phenomenon brought back memories of how I reeked the day after going out.  How your clothes and hair smell.  It's disgusting.  The next day I had to Febreeze my jeans.  Yes, I actually used those words in a sentence together.  STL really needs to get with the times, I mean, Columbia, MO and Kansas City both have banned smoking inside.  Is St. Louis really that far behind?  

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