Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Seriously? Seriously.

Lily Allen recently said the following...

“Parents should say, ‘Drugs might seem fun, but they do funny things to your brain. Some people react to it good, some don’t. Try it and see what you think’.”

“If I hadn’t been famous I’d have taken loads. Wouldn’t be too wise right now.” “I’ve never been good with cocaine or drugs like that. They make me passionately angry on everything. I steer clear of heroin or crack."
Um awesome Lily Allen?

"I know lots of people that take cocaine three nights a week and get up and go to work every day, no problem at all. We never hear that side of the story. I have no statement to make. I just wish people wouldn't sensationalize this thing that just exists. The only story is that drugs are bad and they will kill you - you will become a prostitute, a rapist or a dealer. But that's not true."
I see Lily Allen's point here, however I'll just mention that perhaps Ms. Allen should be more educated into the effects of drugs, including cocaine. Also, I think any responsible parent would say the following " Don't do drugs. Don't drink and drive. And I would hope if you were in any of these situations you would call me if you needed help. You could seriously hurt yourself or others. Please ask questions about drugs or alcohol if you are curious."
Dear Lily Allen, please refrain from spouting ridiciulous theories about parenting when you are a drunk pot head that needs intense therapy.

1 comment:

  1. She didn't really say that. It was just some British tabloid shenans.
